About me

From the distant hum of engines in my childhood to the tangible exhilaration of a perfectly executed turn, cars have always been more than just vehicles to me; they’ve been a lifelong passion. Welcome to my track day universe, where raw horsepower meets artful driving.

As a child, I wasn’t just enchanted by the sleek designs or the promise of speed, but by the profound bond between a car and its driver on a racetrack. To me, the symphony of a car roaring down a stretch of tarmac was pure music.

One of the monumental goals of my life was to experience the legendary Nurburgring. When the day finally came, it was nothing short of ethereal. The track’s rich history reverberated with every twist and turn, and as I maneuvered through its famed bends, I felt an overwhelming connection to the countless drivers who had raced there before me. The challenge of the ‘Green Hell’ was real, but every moment was a testament to the sheer joy of driving. That day at the Nurburgring wasn’t just about completing a lap; it was about fulfilling a dream.

Over the years, I’ve carved tire tracks on iconic circuits like Silverstone and many others. Each with its own pulse, its own story to tell. My journey has also allowed me to get behind the wheel of some astonishing machines – from the impeccable craftsmanship of the BMW M4 and M2, the ferocity of the FERRARI F430, the graceful might of the ASTON MARTIN V8 VANTAGE, to the groundbreaking power of the Tesla Model S Plaid. Be it a nimble 200 bhp vehicle or a roaring 1000+ bhp monster, I’ve cherished every drive, every lesson.

Through this platform, I aspire to share my experiences, passion, and knowledge with fellow motor enthusiasts. Whether you’re gearing up for your first track day or you have countless laps under your belt, this space offers insights for all.

Embark on this thrilling journey with me. Together, let’s chase the horizon, one track at a time.